Strike line charts

Strike Line Charts are roughly the same type of chart as CMOR. CMOR chart are currently supported in the TZT2/TZT3 with more areas being released about every 6 weeks. The best of my knowledge we haven't had requests for this other brand. I had to google it to see what it was. CMOR seems more widely accepted for this type of charting but I am sure if Strike line wanted to talk with our product development it might be possible to add in the same way CMOR was. The short answer is no.
I’ve used both CMOR and Strike Lines and prefer Strike Lines, they have more coverage areas and are also much cheaper. If you could make them compatible it would be very nice.
I am looking to buy either the CMOR or Strikelines or something similiar. I agree the Strikelines seem to offer a lot for the money.
If possible please add them to the compatability list