Shift Function FCV 628/588


New member
Apologies if this is duplicated I may have posted it elsewhere unintentionally.
I cant work out the Shift function and cant try it on the water with a week of storms about to hit. In a scenario where I have the range on manual 0-100 metres, and I am in 85 metres, then I can enter 40 in the shift value and take the top 40 metres off the display, only seeing the 60-100 portion of the total image. Where I am confused is by refernces to setting a "range" in this process..?
The shift range is linked to the main range scale, meaning the deeper the main range setting is the greater the shift ranges will be also. So if you really want to expand the area around 85m set the main range scale to 0-10m and start shifting the depth. You will be able to set the starting depth at 80m and the ending depth at 90m.

Hope this helps

Thanks a lot Snips, I am sure that when I can get onto the water I will get it (my head..!) sorted quickly.