SCX-20: Best Mounting Location


Hi, have a TZtouch2 and am installing the DRS4DNXT radar this week (very excited). Based on the great feedback the SCX20 is getting I'm thinking of putting one aboard myself. But I am a bit stumped as to where it will need to go. I have a Grand Banks 36' Classic with flybridge and bimini top, but no "T-top", radar arch, etc. Not really any horizontal surfaces suitable for mounting this guy. I do have the classic GB mast where the radar sits, and am thinking that's where it will go. But it will have to be on a pole mount, maybe out on one of the spreaders and above and away from the radar sweep. Does this seem like a solid choice from a stability and performance perspective? Would a Scanstrut work? Thanks!
You didn't include a picture but it seems like it could go centerline on the mast above the radar depending on the mast width and other antennas? The unit is very forgiving. Test the location if possible prior to permanently mounting. I used blue painters tape and tried several locations and ended up mounting mine on the forward deck to keep it out of the radar beam and avoid a tall mast and it works perfectly.

Thanks for the tips! Here is an older shot of Tigress, showing the topsides layout and mast/spreader I spoke of. Radar has just been replaced with Furuno NXT. As you can see, we have no hardtop or radar arch as in, say, a more modern vessel. My best guess is some sort of pole mount might work.
Looks to me like you have lots of options. Again, I would test. The mast above the radar (you would have to lose the radar reflector). Short rail mount on starboard aft rail. Somewhere on the bridge deck (maybe if there is a flat spot on the helm console. Not sure if all of those VHF etc. antennas (4?) are in use but perhaps 1 side could be used for a 2' antenna mount. I'm sure you can find a good location with some experimentation.