SCX20 and Radar Clearance


New member
Greetings. This is my first post after reading many. I have been trying to gain knowledge in preparation of an upgrade of my electronics on an older Jupiter 29FS. Hopefully I didn’t miss a post where this has been covered already. I’m planning my upgrades and have decided on closed dome DRS4D NXT with a SCX-20. This will be done first along with a new Sunbrella canvas and TZ touch XL 16, transducer and NavPilot 300 will follow later. My mounting area is extremely limited due to t-top being a soft top. The SCX-20 will be mounted on a cactus mount behind the radar on the centerline. I’ve calculated a 5.5” clearance from the front of the SCX20 to the rear of the radar. With his being a 29’ center console I’m planning to add a 3 degree wedge for better returns while running. I’ve calculated the 12.5” lower radar beam and the rear of the SCX20 is clear by about 2 to 2.5”. Am I safe with my thinking?


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Even though I appear to be successful in placing the SCX-20 out of the plane of the radar I’m only 16” away from my VHF antenna. If I install a multi level mount for the radar with the SCX20 above it will be even closer to the VHF. I guess my best solution is have a plate welded to the front of the t-top for the SCX-20.
You can always run a sector blanking with the radar to not scream in the SCX-20's ear.
I have read that and it may be necessary if I proceed with the SXC-20 mounted on the cactus. My other concern is the effect the VHF antenna will have on the SCX-20. Thank you. I’m listening and learning.
After removing everything off my T-top and having the needed aluminum plate welded I pre staged what I thought would work and as it turned out I needed to move the r Furuno radar forward and the SCX-20 behind the radar. That allowed a greater beam clearance and a greater distance between the two. Now I’m patiently waiting for my TZ Touch XL 16.


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