nn3d has been fitted


Furuno Fan
Hi Guys,

I've had a nn3d (BB) fitted, with a FAR 2117 radar (BB). Both kits are superb and I'm learning more every day. Meanwhile, I have some qns.

  • When planning a route, can I choose each leg of the route to be rhumb line or great circle?
  • How do I remove a point in a route without deleting the point completely from the system?
  • I have tried a 2Gb and 32Gb SD card to receive an export of points and routes, but the system won't recognise either card and keeps telling me there's an error. Any ideas?
  • Is it possible to set the zoom in limit when reviewing a route point by point in Routes?
Thank you!

One possible problem with the SD cards is that they were not formatted correctly - they should never be formatted with the computer's disk utility. The proper way to format them is to use the formatting program from the SD Association here: https://www.sdcard.org/downloads/formatter_3/ If you're curious why you can read the Wikipedia article on SD cards.

Sorry, can't help with the rest. Someone from Furuno should be checking in shortly.

The Black box keyboard (SD card reader) is limited to 2GB max regardless of software installed in the machine. The MFD8 and MFD12 with current software can read up to 32GB but this does not apply to the BB unit. As Greg stated, formatting of the SD card is also very important. Give it another try with a properly formatted 2GB card. (Even less if you are just backing up your points/settings) Loading of charts for the BB unit should be done via the USB port not the SD card. Trying to load a 2GB chart via the SD card can take up to 90 mins, when using the USB takes under 5 mins.

When planning a route, can I choose each leg of the route to be rhumb line or great circle?

No, you cannot change that setting based on individual routes.

How do I remove a point in a route without deleting the point completely from the system?

You can hide your routes/waypoints (all) or display them (all). You cannot individually hide items like the MaxSea PC software. If you do hide your route, when you active that route you will see only it. (other routes stay hidden)

Is it possible to set the zoom in limit when reviewing a route point by point in Routes?

Hi Guys,

Thanks for the responses. Can I continue with the following questions? In case it makes a difference, I am running v 1950064-02.08.

1 Even though I've used the recommended formatting program (from CarinaPDX), I still cannot get the 2Gb SD card to work. Is there a specific format setting I'm missing?

2 Sometimes, when reviewing routes and points in the main menu, I cannot stop the system from zooming in to 5m after which the system locks at that scale and there’s nothing I can do to alter the scale. The only way I’ve found is to bomb out of the system (cut the power) and re-start. At other times, I cannot even persuade the system to zoom in at all. Again, is there something I’m doing wrong?

3 Clicking on a tidal icon I can see the tide for the current date and time. Clicking on the date with a mouse, I can scroll to another day but it has no effect at all. How do I get to see the tide, for example, for two days time?


4 Some of the AIS symbols only show vertical on the screen even though they have a COG and SOG on their information. Why aren’t they pointing in the appropriate direction?

5 I cannot get the Track History to work. Any ideas why not?

Again, thanks for all the help - it's so useful.

Best regards,

1 Even though I've used the recommended formatting program (from CarinaPDX), I still cannot get the 2Gb SD card to work. Is there a specific format setting I'm missing?

Normal SD card formatting out of the box is fine but if your format one with a PC then FAT or FAT16 should be used for the 2GB SD cards. You might try getting a new card (normally $4 from www.newegg.com) and trying it out of the package. If not working you might have a problem with your keyboard that needs evaluation.

2 Sometimes, when reviewing routes and points in the main menu, I cannot stop the system from zooming in to 5m after which the system locks at that scale and there’s nothing I can do to alter the scale. The only way I’ve found is to bomb out of the system (cut the power) and re-start. At other times, I cannot even persuade the system to zoom in at all. Again, is there something I’m doing wrong?

When in the points section of the menu, the system will attempt to show you a preview of where the selected point is but you have no control over the zooming of that preview screen. If you are having problems zooming in and out on the normal plotter screen then you might indeed be having a keyboard issue.

3 Clicking on a tidal icon I can see the tide for the current date and time. Clicking on the date with a mouse, I can scroll to another day but it has no effect at all. How do I get to see the tide, for example, for two days time?

You can use the roto-key (turn) to move thru time. If you have many days you want to move ahead then it is easier to put your cursor on in the date box and left click on it until blue. Turn the roto-key to change, push to get to next selection (like moving from date to year) and keep pressing the knob to fully enter all fields and then the selected date will be shown.

Some of the AIS symbols only show vertical on the screen even though they have a COG and SOG on their information. Why aren’t they pointing in the appropriate direction?

This is how the software points targets that are not providing heading data. (not currently accepting COG from the targets; only heading) This will be fixed/changed in V2.11

I cannot get the Track History to work. Any ideas why not?

Maybe someone cleared all the tracks? Haven't had any reports of tracking issues but you might talk to your local distributor.
Hi Johnny,

Thanks so much for the time you spent answering my queries.

1 I'll get a new SD card and try it, as you recommend

2 I'll monitor the situation

3 Resolved - thank you.

4 Any idea when V2.11 will be released, and what additional features and fixes it will bring?

5 I've just found that by programming my FAR2117BB with track history, it's duplicated onto the nn3dBB

Thanks for the help, Johnny. Look fwd to hearing about item 4.

Best regards.
4 Any idea when V2.11 will be released, and what additional features and fixes it will bring?

The news about 2.11 software was posted under the Furuno News of this forum. It has been released.