Navnet vx2 flashing screen

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I purchased a navnet vx2 chart plotter almost a year ago, local furuno dealer installed. The problem I am having is the chart screen flashes white and black poke a dots on all lower scale settings from .25 miles to 8 miles. I have talked to c- map and they deny the problem, my dealer has talked to furuno techs and they say they are working on the problem. This has been going on for almost a year now, the flashing screen is very anoying to say the least, plus you can't see anything on the srcreen, no markers, no channels, nothing but flashing screen. I feel I have been very patient, but enough is enough. I understand others are having this problem in the Gulf. Question here is does anyone know the problem, can it be fixed or do I need to return the product?
I think I am aware of the issue you are talking about. It doesn't affect everyone. It has been reported in two areas that I know of, and only at close ranges. Normally, as a work around, you can lock the chart level of the range above and then range down. I understand your concern. Sometimes when dealing with many many lines of software code it can take time to find the core issue. Rest assured Furuno has been working with C-map on this issue. The good news is we should have new Vx2 software to address this issue in the next 30 days.
Do I need to send unit back to factory tech or will this software be made available to me?
The software will be posted under the product on our web site. (
It will be available to all users for self updating just as we have the current software posted.
The update process consists of a normal SD memory card with the program being inserted into the unit where the chart normally goes in. The update takes about 2.5 mins. Here is a direct link to the instructions. ... %20_3_.pdf