You are correct. There was a software change to 1.9.6 that changes how the auto scrolling is done when conducting a route. The software engineers explained this change to me a few months back, but the details have faded with time. Basically, they had to make the change for a programming reason. Overall if you are dropping enough points as you draw the route, the system still moves the chart for you. For example if you move your cursor to the edge of the screen it no longer "auto" scrolls the chart in that direction (as you rightly stated), but if you drop a point, it will center the new point in the middle of the screen. This will basically move the chart in the direction you are building your route “automatically”. In some ways the change make a lot of sense because the screen no longer goes flying off on its own, if you move the cursor to the side of the screen by accident; yet the chart still moves in the direction of the route you are constructing. With every change that someone asks for, or they make, you will always have someone who would have rather have it another way. If I recall correctly, there was a good programming reason behind the change and not just customer requests. I will let them know, that you prefer the other method. I personally liked the change after getting used to it. Concerning your “TRACKBALL MODE” setting question; I don’t know. I have asked MaxSea for a clarification of this setting. At this point I don’t think it changes anything even when using a trackball. It might be a setting in development because it is undocumented, and as you stated, doesn’t seem to have any noticeable effect when turned on or off. I will post more when I receive a response from MaxSea.