Manual Engine device setup TZT2 multiple engine sensors


I've got 3 devices that put my single engine info on the N2K network.

1) Actisense EMU-1 (oil pressure, water temp, RPM, Gear Oil pressure, etc)
2) Maretron TMP100 (pyrometer)
3) Maretron FFM100 (Fuel Flow)

I go to Settings-Initial Setup on my TZT2L-15F, to Instrument Setup-Engine &
Tank Manual Setup (The auto setup doesn't configure stuff right).

When I choose a device to assign to my one engine, how do I get to edit that and make the engine assignment? There is no EDIT button, I can only edit the nickname of the device. Right now, each device is assigned to a different 'engine' as if I have 5 engines.

This also screws up the engine display on my FI-70s. My understanding is that the FI-70s all become "Sub's" when a TZT2 is present on the N2K network, it becomes the 'Master' for the purpose of configuring the FI-70s.

I don't think you can do what you are asking about. On my boat, I also have more than one source of engine data and two engines. Most of the data comes from the two gauges that bridge from J1937 to NMEA2000. But I also have a pyrometer that outputs directly to NMEA 2000 and gear pressure and temperature senders that output through the Twin Disc control interface. I used the sensor configuration page under initial settings to label the sources. Then I created a custom engine data page and added data boxes with the elements that I wanted to see.

So I think what you should try is to go to Initial Settings/Sensors and give the EMU-1 a nickname that will be easily recognized and do the same with the two Maretron devices.

Hope this helps. I think the auto engine and tank setup only works with simple consolidated NMEA 2000 interfaces as one would see with a Yamaha outboard.
Thank you for your informed response. Im beginning to understand that Furuno treats each sensor NMEA device broadcasting engine-related PGNs as an ‘engine.’

There seems to be a way to disregard the Auto Tanks & Engine Configuration by manually setting it up in the TZT2 Initial Setings. When I go to that page, it only lets me change the nicknames of each device, but there is no ‘edit’ button to do more.

I use Maretron’s N2K Analyzer to view and configure many of the NMEA2000 devices. It has the capability to evaluate instance conflicts. Each of my network devices has a unique instance number, but nevertheless a conflict is being flagged that involves the EMU-1 & the Fuel Flow device, odd to merely be a coincidence. There also exists ‘data instances’ & Furuno has ‘system instances,” but I don’t understand what system instances are or how they are used by Furuno. I’ll work with Maretron’s tech support to try to understand where the conflict is coming from when all device instances are different.
I think you have to just ignore the engine and tank setup in the initial settings. So long as you see the sensors in the NMEA 2000 list, you should be able to access and display the data. I tried using the automatic and the manual engine and tank setup and it produced useless and confusing results on my system, somewhat akin to what has happened to you.
I much prefer the Maretron displays for data access. Furuno’s screens are crisper & brighter, but they’re too restrictive data-wise, which is really what I want.