GP 33 NEMA connector Pin Out Diagram


New member
I just bought a GP 33 and want to interface it to my NEMA 183 devices. It appears the NEMA cable is no longer available. I was able to find a connector that fits, but need to know which pins are what so I can wire my own cable. I see there is an I/O diagram in the menu tree, but I haven't installed the unit yet to be able to get there.

Is there a pin out diagram for that connector?
I had found that page. Looking at the connector on the back, how are the pins numbered?

Are they numbered like this? (Key way on top, looking at back of instrument)
1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8
9 10
Well. I wired up the mating connector that way, and they definitely are not numbered that way.

If we assume numbered this way (where K is the key way & looking at the connector on the back of the GP33):
9 K 10
6 7 8
3 4 5
2 1

I get a good signal between pins 3 and 2 when pin 3 is connected to DB-9 pin 2 and pin 2 is connected to DB-9 pin 5. Plugging into my ancient laptop with a COM port & booting HyperTerminal gives me good NEMA sentences.

If I connect pin 1 above to pin 2 of the DB-9, leaving pin 2 on DB-9 pin 5, then I get gibberish on HyperTerminal. Connecting pins 9 & 10 ( my original assumption as to which pins were 1 White & 2 Blue) to the DB-9 got me nothing at all. I don't remember if I swapped pins 1 & 2 with DB-9 pins 2 & 5 after I got pin 3 to give me good data.

As I recollect, most computer RS-232 ports will read NEMA-183 output, but I could be wrong on that.

In any case, connecting pins 1 & 2 above to my NEMA-183 listeners didn't show any data. Connecting pins 2 & 3 to one of my NEMA listeners (my old fixed mount VHF radio) shows me position data.

If I short pins 9 & 1, 6 & 1 or 5 & 1 (again, using the above diagram), then I get a MOB event. Shorting other combinations of pins does not give me a MOB event. I don't remember if I checked them all.

So, my big question is - what is the proper pin designation on that NEMA connector on the GP-33? Are what I have labelled pins 2 & 3 really pins 2 & 1 (TH-C & TD-H) or are they SG & SD?

Also, if you swap TD-H & TD-C, with DB-9 RD & SG, do you get a gibberish signal?
I would recommend following the color code of the wires (which shows pin numbers) on Page S-1 of the manual. Most connectors will also have tiny numbers on the connector when looking in the light at an angle but the color code is the best thing to follow when wiring it up.
I will look carefully at the connector on the back of the unit to see if I see any numbers.

The problem is if I am making up a cable, I need to know to which pin to connect the wires. My first guess was obviously wrong. Once I get the cable made up properly, then connecting by color code is easy :)

I tried ordering a cable, but no one has them in stock.
With an 10 Pin NMEA 0183 cable (P/N 001-112-970):

I've attached two examples... NMEA0183 using the RS422 standard of two wires for the talker (Blue/White/TD-H & TD-C) and two wires for the listener (Yellow/Green RD-H & RD-C).

The other example is how one would go about updating the GP33 via RS232 to Serial. If we're talking a true NMEA0183 connection, it'll be RS422 with two talkers wired to two listener wires (anything else is just RS232 and not certified NMEA0183 circa v.2 or higher).

Hope this helps,

- Maggy


  • RS232.JPG
    1.4 MB · Views: 448
  • RS422.JPG
    1.7 MB · Views: 448
The problem is that I don't have & can't find a 10-pin NEMA cable. It doesn't (or at least didn't) come with the unit. No one has them in stock. I found a connector that mates, and have some 9 conductor cable, so I can make a cable, but I need to know which pins on the connector are which in order to get the right color wires to the right pins.

I finally got something to work, but have no idea if I am using RS-232 or NEMA.

I did a round robin pairing of wires to a DB-9 connected to a COM port on a PC running Hyper terminal. Multiple combinations gave me data. One pairing that worked with my VHF did not work with my instrument system. I found a pairing that worked with both, but it would not drive them both at the same time. So I ran it through an Actisense NBF-2 and that feeds both listeners independently.

Success for now, but I would prefer to have the right color wires connected to the pins.
JuneK":8ec0qd7s said:
The problem is that I don't have & can't find a 10-pin NEMA cable. It doesn't (or at least didn't) come with the unit. No one has them in stock.

Those cables come in and go out of stock regularly, it technically was an optional cable so unless there was a need for it when it was bought -- likely it wasn't ordered. I would check in with your local authorized Furuno dealer periodically or call around for availability as some local dealers may have one on hand.

In General, there hasn't been an update for the GP33 in a long time and there may or may not be another one in some time either (though I don't know for sure). It just may be prudent for this update just to send it in to our Camas Wa. Service / Repair center for a software upgrade.

Just a thought, :sail

- Maggy
I think I have a solution for you. While the 10 pin cable for the GP33 on backorder; you could use a 10 pin cable from the FVC585, it is the same connection. If you order 000-156-405 (in stock), you will get a cable but need to cut off the fuses because they use the wiring for diffrent purposes. They also made a color change on a couple of the wires, but if you go this direction send me a PM and I can send you a color pinout compared to that of the GP33 data cable.
@maggy Which update? The unit is brand new & appears to work fine.

I did take a magnifying glass to the connectors and can see no numbers at all on them regarding the connector pins.

I do have an order in for a cable, but am told "4-6 weeks". Will see what happens.
Thank you. As I was able to get it working, I'll wait & see if I can get the real cable from my order. If not, then I may go the 000-156-4095 route. If I do, I will PM you.
JuneK":3urrpvty said:
@maggy Which update? The unit is brand new & appears to work fine.

I was referring to the 7 years between the update prior to v2.04, which is v2.02 (released in December 2013).

It just may make sense to send it in, :sorry

- Maggy
JuneK":21lylhfp said:
I'll have to check which version of S/W I have. TY.


On the GP33, when you boot it, in the second loading dialog as it loads it'll read out "Program No. xxxxxx-0?.??"

Otherwise with it up, go to MENU > System > Self Test > System Test and it'll list the software no. under "CPU Main: xxxxxxxx-0?-??"

Hope this helps, :sail

- Maggy
JuneK":1mfdptgt said:
Looks like v 2.04, released 12/2020.

If you got v. 2.04 you're good to go until July of 2039! :jump :jump

- Maggy