Furuno fcv628 transducer question


New member
Hello forum ,
I have recently purchased a boat with a furuno fcv628 already fitted , it has a transom mounted transducer there is no paperwork to tell me the model number of the transducer . My question is , is there anyway for me to tell if the current transducer is resboost and accufish compatible ?
Many thanks for any help
Regrads Toby
It is most likely a Airmar P-66.
If you are out of the water you can post a picture of it and we should be able to tell you if it is or not.

Thanks snips, no not out of water , am I right in thinking if it was not rezboost / accufish compatible then these options would be greyed out in the Furuno 628 menu options ?
The P66 would require you pick the Furuno part number for it in the menu (525STID-PWD) then it should allow the features.