FCV295-Marking top 400 ft


New member
I have an FVC295 with a 1k and 2k transducer. Machine works great but I am trying to determine the how to optimally set it to mark the top 400 ft of the water column only in depths between 1000-2000 ft. Any help is appreciated.
By using the Shift function you can set the top of the sounder display at almost any depth you would like.

Yes, I have no problem setting the top of the sounder. I am trying to set the bottom of the sounder so I am maximizing my reading from the surface to a specific depth above the bottom in a much deeper location (for example, I want to mark only the top 400 ft in a location with a depth of 2500 ft).
Maybe I am still missing your question.
The 295 won't show a digital depth in 2500ft if the range is set to 400ft.
The TVG settings are the one that will adjust the sounders gain in the water column. Normally the TVG Distance is set at 600ft, is means the sounder won't reach whatever the main gain setting until 600ft. If you want more gain in the 0-400ft range, lower both the TVG Level and Distance settings. Just to see what they do is next time out lower both of them to there minimum values and watch how much clutter appears.

Hope this helps.

I am trying to set an artificial floor so i am only marking the top 400' of the water column in a depth of 2500 ft. If I just set the range manually at 400' (or something similar) will that accomplish what I am looking for? How would I maximize it?
The FCV-295 is always looking for a bottom return. In your situation it won't find it and it will go into a bottom search mode. The Bottom Search Mode slows the TX rate thus the picture advance is also slowed down. So if you want just to look at the top 400ft of the water column try using a MAX TX rate. So the default TVG Distance is set to 600ft so I suggest resetting this to 300ft.
