Fcv 295 Tap setting



Hey there ya'll,

I am a new one here on the Forum, but I just got a FCV 295 and a Airmar CM111C-LH(2KW Chirp) transducer and wondered what the Tap setting should be for the LF and HF sides. I looked on the Furuno Tap chart but couldn't decipher what it is for that transducer.


Use a "B" tap for the LF side and a "C" tap for the HF side.

Thanks Snips,

Also, I know which transducer wires are the LF and HF, I know the two ports that the wires plug into and I know the pins(1 and 3) that the wires plug into on the ports, but which wire plugs into the #1 port and which wire plugs into the #3 port on each connector?

Looking forward to using the sounder next week.


There is no polarity on the wires so it really doesn't matter, just as long as you use pins 1 & 3. Put all the shield wire together and attach them to the case of the 295.

Thanks Snips,

How do I set the Bandwidth? I tried a reset and set the basic units but the transducer screen never came up.

You set the bandwidth when you enter the frequency. Just know that the max bandwidth will 50% of the frequency i.e 50Khz will have a max bandwidth of 25Khz (+12.5/-12.5). However the 295/1150 are blocked in three ranges 52.8-65Khz, 111-139Khz and 171-183Khz. This means if you set the center frequency at 50Khz with a bandwidth of 25Khz you will only be able to slew the frequency up to 52.8 but you would be able to slew it down to 37.5Khz.

Hey Snips,

My question should have been - "How do I get to the Frequency setting screen?" I can't seem to get to that screen.


Look for the Frequency Control section, pages 19-20 in the Operators manual.

Hi guys
I am about to install my new 295. Could someone help me with a couple of questions.

How do you actually change the tap settings. I've worked out that you can pull out the orange blocks but how do you pull out the white wire and put it back into a different letter.

The unit doesn't come with a power cable, I have a cable, In the installation manual it shows how to process the cable end. Do both wires fix inside the unit with a separate earth wire.

Thanks heaps for your time
Phillip from Australia
Page seven of the installation manual shows how you are able to release the wire using the supplied WAGO tool. There should be two different size WAGO tools attached to the back of the removeable back panel. Most folks will just use a two conductor cable for power. If a ground/shield is needed they will use a single connector wire for that.

Thanks Snips
I didn't realise the WAGO tool was used for the transducer cable and the taps settings so have just done the job on the taps and she worked like a beauty so thanks again.

Your info on the power cable clears that up as well, Should i put an inline fuse on the red wire and if so, what rating.

Thanks mate, your a champ
The FCV-295 normally draws 3-4 amps so a 5 or 10 breaker/fuse should be used to protect the power feed.
