Entering TD waypoints

  • Thread starter Thread starter Richardt01
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Here in NC we run mostly by Loran C TD's. I have all my old #'s in TDs and was entering some in my TZT2 and had a problem. I got a few to go but I had to enter them a few times and then wait a while before I clicked the green check or the waypoint would revert back to boat position and register as a new waypoint with the boat position. I gave up on my last waypoint after the fifth try. What am I doing wrong? Im on the 7980 chain for SEcoast, the 45 line is on top and 59 is on bottom just like it should be. The few that I got to take look right on the chart. Thanks!
If you have setup the unit settings for 7980 with the slaves of 43 and 59, then all of the Loran numbers you input should fall within the following guidelines.

Top number must be 43 to 47.403.76
Bottom number must be from 59 to 64.085.44
Other than ensuing you have the newest software installed in the TZT2; I would say you need to open a support case with Tech support to investigate.