dff3d not detecting bottom on section view


New member
Hi, anyone knows a reason why dff3d wont detect bottom on section view? I shows bottom on sounder view but all 3 sections display the same image, is it transducer problem or something else?
Whenever cross section doesn't show or the 3D history bottom is missing directly below the boat; it normally means someone has adjusted the gain settings too high and the signal isn't processed.
Thanks for reply but it's not that as i already tried to reset settings, and now i tried again to lower the gain and TVG, it doesn't have any effect, bottom not detected on 3D history and on section, is there anything else that could be the problem?
It's a picture from a PC monitor that runs timezero v4 and dff3d is connected to it, i also have tztouch2 that is updated to newest software version and the problem is the same on both devices...
Do you have the photos from the TZT2 screens and settings? I am more familiar with that unit. Nobeltec TZ has their own support for the PC. If related to the DFF3D, it would be helpful for me to see exactly what the MFD is showing. PC software might help Nobeltec but sorry, not much help to me.