DFF1 or internal TZT2BB


Furuno Fan
I’m upgrading my NN3D to a TZT2BB. With my NN3D I had a DFF1 fish finder. The TZT2BB has a built in fish finder. Looking at the specs I think the internal and DFF1 have similar specs. Am I better to connect my triducer (525STID-MSD) directly to the TZT2BB or the DFF1?
The DFF1 has more circuits and while they both would work about the same, I would recommend keeping the DFF1 in place.
Johnny, sorry to resurrect this old thread but with my recent upgrade to the TZTBBX I’m reconsidering the various components of my system. I currently have my 525STID-MSD transducer connected to my DFF1 sounder based on your above recommendation. While looking at the 525STID-MSD transducer specs I see it has bottom discrimination capability but the older DFF1 sounder doesn’t have this capability. The TZT2BB internal sounder has bottom discrimination.

Would I be Better off connecting this transducer to the TZT2BB internal sounder?
If you want bottom discrimination, yes it could be moved to the TZT2BB. You should also get accu-fish but never run both advanced features at the same time.
Johnny, thanks, I’m no expert on fish finders but I checked my TZT2BB manual and didn’t see any warning about not using accu-fish and bottom discrimination at the same time. What are the consequences if both modes are turned on at the same time? Will circuitry become damaged?
It won't damage anything, it will just look like crap and you will think something is wrong. It isn't documented other than here on the forum where it has been said many times due to people tripping into it.
I’ve only managed to turn Accu Fish on once. There must be setting I’m using that doesn’t allow me to turn on AccuFish. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Yes I have a compatible transducer.