DFF-1 Settings

If I run my DFF-1 in Automatic function, I know it controls Gain,clutter,TVG,and echo offset, do I need to adjust any manual functions such as White marker, color eraser or zoom ranges ?

What would be the best settings for striper fishing in 20-60 ft of water ?

Thank you for any advice. I have looked at the Fish finder manual over the years but still can't seem to get it right. I keep messing it up. I'd like to just get an adjustment and then leave it.
Thank you
For every person who likes different flavor ice cream, people like to see sounders the way they like to see them. There is no magic settings that work for everyone. In that shallow you want to run as HF as you can and as wide a beam as you can. NEVER run bottom discrimination and accu-fish at the same time and in general tune it to how you like it. (DFF1-UHD offers these advanced af and bd features; DFF1 normal does not)