Unidentified Line on my Sonar DFF 1 with MFD 12


DFF- 1 with MFD 12 Blue line

This line showed up the other day when I was ( monkeying around with buttons again) and it won't go away.

Anyone know what it is and how do I get rid of it ? Is it a temp graph ? I have no idea what it is. It's there now every day

Thank you for any help or advice
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It could be temp graph but the other side of the screen not shown should have a corresponding grid. It could be something in the water like the fishing lure dropping as it was in the transducer beam. It appears to be something normal and not an issue.

Is the blue line still there after you power off both the DFF1 and the MFD12..? I agree with Sparky Wire, It does looks like a fishing line. :unsure:
Yes it is. After I power off both. Shows up every day from start to finish. All the time in the same place. Really weird. never had it before until I screwed around with settings, of which I do too much
I do have the temp graph showing on the other side of the screen but it doesn't seem to correlate to it.

I don't know what may be causing this, but what you might try doing is a "factory reset" of the MFD12 and the DFF1 to see if it's still remains. If you decide to do a factory reset, be sure to record all your unit's settings before attempting the factory reset of both units.

- Deep Blue
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