Course off


New member
Hello. Since updating my units to the latest software my heading lines are way off. I know where you can enter an adjustment in. But it will be 60 degrees off when heading out. Then next time I crank engines and restart units they will be off 20 degrees other direction. Never had the issue prior to update. Any suggestions? Thanks. The updates went smooth with no other issues.
There is only one heading line. Are you talking about COG and Heading?
Yes. The track line is fine, but the small vessel representing my location is angled off so when I have the COG and Heading line extended out say 50 miles to see direction I am running when heading towards a waypoint is off.
So if the COG line is off compared to the heading line and setup for MAG heading, you are taking some cross currents or something that is pushing the boat unless your heading is wrong. Is your heading (NOT COG) shown in the data box reading the same as your steering compass or is it off?
So if the COG line is off compared to the heading line and setup for MAG heading, you are taking some cross currents or something that is pushing the boat unless your heading is wrong. Is your heading (NOT COG) shown in the data box reading the same as your steering compass or is it off?
I just changed set up for mag heading (was set to true). Previously the heading in data box was off. This wasn’t case before update, at least not more than a few degrees. But I turned off the cog earlier and will see what it does tomorrow when we run offshore after changing the above. Thanks