weigle metal fab
New member
My appologies, I'm still new on these furuno units. I recently added one additional RDP149, both networked to a DFF1 w/ B258 TD, The names are NAVNET1, NAVNET2, ETR (SOUNDER) . NAVNET1 have a older 320B GPS antenna with the rollover issue but works fine otherwise. nothing else is plugged into NAVNET1, NAVNET2 has a new 330B in DATA1, DATA2 has a simrad AP24/VHF/DSC, DATA3 has the Simrad heading sensor into it via AT10HD, TD cable, and Radar cable , network cable goes to netgear 10/100 hub along with the DFF1 and navnet1 unit. finally got all this installed, not sure how to choose chart source, both RDP149's have a Cmap chart card. Output to network, I turned everything on on NAVNET2 since everything is plugged into it, all off on NAVNET1. Went to the bay to test, sounder reverts to HF and freezes up, when I put sounder in NAVNET1 into simulator mode it stops freezing up, Radar overlay works on NAVNET1 so the units are trading data but I can't figure out how to make the chart and radar be oriented in agreement with eachother I prefer heading or course up orientation. how should I have this set up so it stops freezing and wigging out, should I update the units? I have not looked at the firmware version. When I put the one sounder into simulator mode the other unit works really well as far as bottom/target seeing.