Connecting AIS Unit to vx2


Furuno Fan
I have acquired an RDP 149 display unit with the latest software version, that dispels the need for an AIS interface. Have connected the 2 talk wires from a VesperMarine XB-8000 to Port 4, but no results. the port sentence monitor shows spurious data. Furuno UK support suggested I swap Port 2 and Port 4, so wired the XB-8000 into Port 2 at 38k bps and wired my Raymarine NMEA /Seatalk interface into Port 4 at 9600 bps. connecting the Blue and White TD A & B.
AIS works fine but the Raymarine network would only display Lat/Long, no time or heading data etc.

When the wires from Port 2 were connected to the Seatalk I/face both Seatalk and NMEA LEDS were lit, but only the Seatalk lit up when connected to Port 4

Has any one successfully installed a non-furuno AIS into the RDP-149, or do I still need the Interface module IF1500AIS
Ton of people have assorted brands of AIS units connected to the older Vx2 displays.
First off 0183 AIS data MUST go into either a 10.4" unit on data 2, or into a 7" unit on data 1. There is only one port programmed on each machine type to manage AIS processing. So you can stop trying to put it into data 4, because it won't work. Data 2 (on the 10.4") becomes an AIS only input port when connecting AIS. That means anything else you have/had on that port must move someplace else. Data 2 is a standard NMEA RS422 level port. That means you can't shove RS232 level into it, even if it is AIS data. I suspect that your AIS is not standard RS422 NMEA, but RS232. You should check with the company. If you have RS232, it must be converted with a proper NMEA level using a converter. (Rs232 to Rs422). The data port two (on 10.4") baud rate should be setup for 38,400 when processing AIS data. That is the basics when dealing with AIS and the VX2 displays. You should be able to look at data 2 (or data one for 7" units) port monitor and see the AIS data come in clearly if you do it correctly. AIS will look like "!AIVDM....... or !AIVDO......." (dots being a bunch of assorted letters and numbers)
Thanks for the advice, the AIS works fine on Port 2, the problem I have is getting data feeds to an ST60 Multi from the display unit via the Seatalk/NMEA interface on PORT 4. I can only receive Lat/Long position, no SOG, COG, Tide
Data 4 on the 10.4" has an RS232 port for talking to a PC. You should verify that the receiving unit uses that or you might need a level converter the other direction. (RS232 to RS422) What data is provided is selective in port setup. You can not re-transmit AIS. If you want AIS you need to run it from the AIS unit.
Hi, I think I understand, so to transmit and receive NMEA data between the RDP149 and my Raymarine Seatalk instruments I should be able to use Port 4, subjecting to it being RS 232. if his works is it then still possible to hook up a PC to receive nav data? I fully understand the point about AIS on Port 2.

Thanks for bearing with me
To add to my question can I directly attach the RD-3A (Yellow) and RD3-B (Green) to the NMEA Out on the Raymarine Seatalk/NMEA Interface Unit, and attach the TD-DT (White) and RD-DT (Blue) to the NMEA Input ?
Or would I need to wire in a R232- RS422 converter as you said above to Port 4 and attach the bare wires from the RS422 end into the Raymarine Interface unit?
Data 3 on a 10.4" is heading input ONLY. Yellow and green on that port are only used for AD10 data when using AD10 heading data instead of NMEA 0183.

As far as the Raymarine, is that device RS422 or RS232?
The wiring diagram for Data 4 shows Yel RD3-A and GRN as RD3 -B, shown on the attachment


  • data 4.PNG
    data 4.PNG
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I never noticed that before. All the other units we have the number directly relate to the port number. I am not sure if they did that because the Vx2 data three is only for heading and data four is thought of as the third NMEA port or if it was a printed mistake. I learned something.
Those wires are for input of RS422 NMEA.
You can't put AIS or heading into that port but most other items you can. With all the back and forth it isn't clear what you wish to input into data 4. What is it you wish to bring into the Vx2?

Purpose is to use Port 4 to push navigation data through Nmea to raymarine multi: cog, sog lat/long, btw, etc as I want to use Port 2 for AIS
RD is receive data. You need TD (Transmit data) to push information. The output to push data on data 4 is RS232 designed for a PC. If the receiving device is RS232, you can proceed. If it is a standard RS422 device you will require a level converter.