Cloud Settings Backup


Furuno Super Fan
I backed up two TZT2 units to the cloud before doing the update to V7. Restoring I had the feeling that both units received the same update, namely from the unit I last backed up. I had the left side panel configured different for the two units and it came out the same. Is that to be expected? Not a big issue as I needed to change them anyway with respect to the changes in V7 that allow just two tabs, but added the scrolling feature.
You are correct. I have tested this before. Only one user data can be stored per account. The data is overwritten every time you save your settings to the cloud, so that’s normal. At least as it is today.
Just noticed that the nav panel configuration now seems to be synchronized. When I change the layout on one unit, the other adopts the same setting. Seems that I cannot have 2 or more TZT2s show different data in the panels. Is there a setting to turn off synchronisation? I tried to turn off 'Cloud Synchronization' but that didn't change local behaviour. I think that this is new in V7.
Yes it should be listed on the new items changed for v7. NavData is synchronized amoung TZT2s (and TZT3 if mixed). The NavData box can also scroll and have more items that you can view at once. It is possible to add items to the bottom of your NavData box and then on one MFD scroll up to make them viewable on one screen/MFD, while the other MFD is looking at all the top items selected. I tried this with two displays and it works well. The MFD that I scrolled the NavData on remains where I left it (looking at the lower items) even if I power cycled it. The "Let's Navigate" or "Start DEMO" is also synchronized between screens now.