Bottom discrimination with tzt3

Yes, very darn close but it depends on what you are attempting to do. The UHD can't run 50/200 transducers so that edge goes to the TZT3 fish finder. They are different and both with strong points. In the case of the B265LH or B275LH the UHD hold a edge with not only BD and Accufish but also target performance. It not huge difference but I personally would give the edge to the UHD. It is understandable because the UHD has more circuits. Yet if you asked me, if I already had a TZT3 would I go spend the money for the UHD, I would say probably not considering the TZT3 software is going to continue to develop and add features. The TZT3 is more flexible in optional transducers and support of the Deep Impact box but when you talk True Echo CHIRP, I would give the UHD the edge. (That is my two cents anyways)
If I’m running multiple tzt3 boxes on a twin helm trawler, fishing not relevant, what transducer would you recommend? I’m most concerned about depth (and currents), and also ideally something forward looking. Transponder redundancy needed? Everything’s planned to be networked in on nema2000. I was thinking dst810l but it’s more simple.
Sculler":thg2q5f3 said:
what transducer would you recommend? I’m most concerned about depth (and currents), and also ideally something forward looking.

Transducers are designed to face down towards the ocean floor, so there's not a whole lot of recommendations for forward facing transducers that mount aimed towards the bow. :questions

You might consider a 525T-LTD pre-tilt for use with the TZ3, it's a very fine transducer that'll do most of what you want it to do. Otherwise for a purpose built device, the DST-810MSF is a great depth machine and looks great on the console when paired with an RD33. :cool

Hope that helps, :sail

- Maggy
Sculler":plqb8u1k said:
Does a diff-3D make sense for non fishing use? Maybe checking out a remote moorage for low spots?

Great question! The DFF3D is practically an entry-level survey tool for any sort of bottom mapping, and great for checking out low spots (given that we're not talking super shallow depths like 9' or less). The wide angle beam width of the 165T makes for a great wide-angle viewer of the bottom. :cool

Check out Eric's review, cool stuff! :sail

- Maggy
Intersting.and definitely useful for fishing.

Do you think it would be useful for remote coves etc and anchoring where there are steep drop offs etc?
Sculler":a9bviunq said:
Intersting.and definitely useful for fishing.

Do you think it would be useful for remote coves etc and anchoring where there are steep drop offs etc?

The application for the DFF3D is more for surveying large objects, looking for general bottom features, bathymetry, etc. while trawling. A fish finder is more suited for finer granular detail of bottom composition or for exploring remote caves, etc. Often fishermen will have both types on their boat (e.g. a B260 & 165T*), one complimenting the other.

Hope this helps, :sail

- Maggy
It would be great if there was a forward looking “sonar” like Garmin has. Very helpful in skinny channels or anchoring. Not everyone uses Furuno on fishing boats.