My 15" TZT2 has had issues from the beginning. When I shut down the unit with the chart screen active and then start the unit the next day, I only get a blank blue screen. There is not chart visible. And the screen is not centered on the current location. See the attached screen shot.
The current vessel position is accurate but the screen is not centered on the vessel. I have to swipe up from the bottom and select the chart I want to use and then hit "Center"
If I close the unit with the radar screen or the sounder screen active and then turn it back on the unit will open on the screen that was active when it was closed. However, when I switch to the chart screen I get the same blank blue screen. Only now the screen is centered on the vessel. see below
Whta's going on??? Reminds me of the old Mocrosoft "Blue Screen of Death"

The current vessel position is accurate but the screen is not centered on the vessel. I have to swipe up from the bottom and select the chart I want to use and then hit "Center"
If I close the unit with the radar screen or the sounder screen active and then turn it back on the unit will open on the screen that was active when it was closed. However, when I switch to the chart screen I get the same blank blue screen. Only now the screen is centered on the vessel. see below
Whta's going on??? Reminds me of the old Mocrosoft "Blue Screen of Death"