Before going down the rabbit hole... getting AIS data from Furuno NavNet TZtouchXL(w/FA-50 AIS) system shared with iPad Garmin Navionics app


New member
Hello all, I am starting a new thread, even though I have asked a related question re FA-50 vs. FA-70 AIS install.

My goal is to see AIS traffic sent from my NavNet TZtouchXL system that currently sees AIS targets from the FA-50 via Furuno ethernet sent to my iPad which will be running the Garmin Navionics app. This is primarily so that we can have AIS when off watch down below in our cabin.

I've asked in another thread about upgrading the FA-50 to the FA-70 which will move AIS traffic from the Furuno ethernet to the NMEA 2000 network. The upside of going this route is that I will be able to see AIS traffic on my new FI-70 displays which only show NMEA 2000 data.

However, as I think this through I realize that I will need to get the NMEA 2000 data onto the wifi network. Ok, there are devices that will do this such as this gizmo: Yacht Devices Ethernet Gateway


1. Has anyone tried this?
2. Is there a way to have the Garmin Navionics boating app see the AIS traffic directly from the NavNet TZt16 XL network?

I figured that I'm not the only person that would like to see AIS traffic from the Furuno system on an iPad (specifically the Navionics app), so thought to ask here first before jumping down the rabbit hole...

Thanks in advance!
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The NavNet is a consumer of AIS data not a provider. If you want AIS for your other units, it should be directly taken from the source AIS unit. The FA50 has both NavNet Ethernet connection and 0183 data. In this case, the XL would receive AIS via the FA50 Ethernet and your other non-Navnet items would need to be interfaced from the 0183 output of the FA50. On a NavNet system you would use only one AIS unit. Use the FA50 or the FA70, not both. If using the FA50 and you wish to place targets onto the 2000 network, one would get a 0183 to 2000 converter like the IF-NMEA2k2 and take the 0183 data from the FA50 to the IF-NMEA2k2 and place it on the 2000 bus. If this bus has the NavNet connect to it as well, you would need to remove the network cable. The NavNet will get its targets from the Ethernet OR the 2000 bus. It shouldn't received both methods. If using a FA70, everything would be done by 2000. If you have some older devices, the FA70 also offers 0183 data as well. To be VERY clear the Yacht Devices Ethernet Gateway has not been approved to ever be on a NavNet Ethernet bus. That isn't an option to be discussing. If coloring outside the lines, that can be done without my assistance. Regarding Garmin boating app, those are not questions for the Furuno forum but know as said before, the NavNet is not a source of AIS. If you are drinking data, drink from the source not after the cows have been at it. Any AIS data of a system should come direct from the AIS source unit. The NavNet is a consumer of that type of data, not a provider. I am sure they have a method to receive AIS from an AIS unit if you contact their support. It might be via that gateway but it wouldn't be connected to the NavNet Ethernet.
First off, thanks for the detailed response! Very helpful!
The NavNet is a consumer of AIS data not a provider. If you want AIS for your other units, it should be directly taken from the source AIS unit.
> Understood
The FA50 has both NavNet Ethernet connection and 0183 data. In this case, the XL would receive AIS via the FA50 Ethernet and your other non-Navnet items would need to be interfaced from the 0183 output of the FA50.
> If I understand correctly the 0183 comes from the RS-422 wires coming from the power cord. I will speak to my installer about the correct hook up.
On a NavNet system you would use only one AIS unit. Use the FA50 or the FA70, not both. If using the FA50 and you wish to place targets onto the 2000 network, one would get a 0183 to 2000 converter like the IF-NMEA2k2 and take the 0183 data from the FA50 to the IF-NMEA2k2 and place it on the 2000 bus.
> my plans are to either use the FA50 with the IF-NMEA2k2 OR switch it out for a new FA70. The FA70 has several benefits, including 5 watts output, and native NMEA 2000.

If using the FA50 and you wish to place targets onto the 2000 network, one would get a 0183 to 2000 converter like the IF-NMEA2k2 and take the 0183 data from the FA50 to the IF-NMEA2k2 and place it on the 2000 bus. If this bus has the NavNet connect to it as well, you would need to remove the network cable. The NavNet will get its targets from the Ethernet OR the 2000 bus. It shouldn't received both methods. If using a FA70, everything would be done by 2000. If you have some older devices, the FA70 also offers 0183 data as well.

> ah, good point. I will check with my installer, but assume that all I need to do is to remove the FA50, install the FA70, which will put the AIS traffic on the NMEA 2000, which will then make the AIS traffic available to my FI-70 instruments as well.


To be VERY clear the Yacht Devices Ethernet Gateway has not been approved to ever be on a NavNet Ethernet bus. That isn't an option to be discussing. If coloring outside the lines, that can be done without my assistance.
> Understood, I have no plans to connect the Yacht Devices Gateway to the NavNet Ethernet bus.
> My goal is to get the NMEA 2000 data to my ship's main network, which is completely separate from the NavNet Ethernet.

Regarding Garmin boating app, those are not questions for the Furuno forum but know as said before, the NavNet is not a source of AIS. If you are drinking data, drink from the source not after the cows have been at it. Any AIS data of a system should come direct from the AIS source unit. The NavNet is a consumer of that type of data, not a provider. I am sure they have a method to receive AIS from an AIS unit if you contact their support. It might be via that gateway but it wouldn't be connected to the NavNet Ethernet.

> My plan is to test connecting the YDEN-02 to a my WiFi router LAN port and enable LAN <--> WLAN data forwarding on my ships network.
> If this works, I will be able to NMEA 2000 data on my ship's WiFi network to feed mobile devices.
> I have started similar conversations with Garmin and Yacht Devices, but felt it important to share my overall goals, since I am still working to come up to speed on all of this. I did not want to skip any steps in case I miss something.

> Hopefully, I have been clear with my explanations.
> Again, I appreciate the detailed answer.
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Seeing the Hub101 bring up another topic. Ensure that the version of the hub101 board inside is a -55 (Which is specifically a requirement if used for XL). If it is the older -11 or -22; it should not be used and likely to lead to problems if you do.
Seeing the Hub101 bring up another topic. Ensure that the version of the hub101 board inside is a -55 (Which is specifically a requirement if used for XL). If it is the older -11 or -22; it should not be used and likely to lead to problems if you do.
>Thanks. I will check next time I drop the headliner and have access to the Hub101. Currently, I'm not noticing any issues with my two installed 16XLs. What should I be checking for? What symptoms will I notice?
At the top right corner of the circuit board you will see the board number and then a stamped -11 -22 or -55 that he is talking about. The older -11 and -22 are not fast enough and can cause all sorts of system issue as packets are dropped. The XL can use the -55 or better yet off the shelf or new water protected HUB102 (Which all ports are gigabit rather than 10/100 MB)
I agree you don't want a -11 or -22 on a TZT1 or above network. They should be kept to the NN3D that they were originally used for.