None of the existing "tillerpilots" are nearly adequate for moderate to heavy displacement cruising sailboats. The drives simply are not up to the task, and fail often. What I would like to see is a drive that is waterproof for use in the cockpit and powerful enough for a heavy full keel cruising boat with barn door rudder. It could be just a much beefier version of the drive on the RayMarine SP-X 5 GP, which is engaged by dropping the end of the drive shaft over a pin on the tiller and has no clutch or position sensor. A permanently installed drive with a clutch and position sensor would be a better solution however. If there is a clutch, it should be designed to use less current than the typical 1A-1.5A as that is a lot of current for a boat under sail, in addition to the drive current. If a rudder position sensor is needed it should be internal to the drive unit.
Note that I am only asking for a new drive unit; otherwise the current autopilots would work just fine. I realize that this might be a small market sector, but such a product would own it.
Note that I am only asking for a new drive unit; otherwise the current autopilots would work just fine. I realize that this might be a small market sector, but such a product would own it.