Added an MFD8... Now Headaches

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Not sure if my signature will appear so here is our setup:

MFD12(Master) - Installed since new in 09 running 2.11
MFD8(Slave) - Installed yesterday now running 2.11

We've been having problems with the MFD12 for around 2 years that we havent quite gotten to the bottom of. That was desribed in one of my previous posts. Long story short the MFD12 was having trouble seeing the N2K network from time to time. Also (which became apparent after the MFD8 install) the MFD12 is very slow through menus and charts etc.

So we decided to complicate our problem.

We added the MFD8 for the obvious reasons, but also the plan was to move the N2K network to the MFD8 and see if our lack of N2K network followed us, or if the problem was th MFD12 all along. We didn't quite get that far.

We bought the MFD8 used. After install we powered up the MFD8 on its own without the network connected just to test it. It came on as a slave with the no master warning. Next step was to power it up on the network. On boot up, we noticed in the blue bar it was only running 2.07. So as soon as it came on (it did pick up our waypoints from the master) we booted it down and started the update to 2.11. The update seemed very quick to me as i remember it but the next boot up the blue bar said 2.11. Golden.

Here come the weird issues.

When having the MFD12 and 8 both set to full screen radar, if you zoom one screen in our out both screens mimic each other, almost like a repeater. So if you move the 12 from 1 mile to 4 miles, the 8 will move from 1 mile to 4 miles without touching it.

The fishfinder seems to not be working correctly. When both screens are on, the fishfinder will freeze and the image will not scroll. Also ETR Connection was Cut warning comes on both screens from time to time.

I did't flip the dip switch on the HUB101 for the 8 yet, though I will. (they are on the back of the HUB so I need to unmount it correct?) This allowed us to power on the Master 12 only. It worked fine with everything. As soon as we powered on the 8 it began to have the problems I mentioned.

We also tried switching the 8 to Master and the 12 as Slave and had the same issues.

The 8 seems at least twice as fast as the 12 leading us to believe something has been wrong with the 12 all along. All sensors (both N2K and Ethernet) are seen by both MFDs, They both have the same system ID and are running the same software, same version.

Could the problem be that they were both on running different software and networked for a short time? Could that have corrupted something?

Is there something a little more intrusive than just a master reset we can try with the 12?

We really need help and have exhausted everything we thought we could do. I fear the next step is to pull out the 12 and send it to Furuno which will put us in a whole right in the middle of the season. It is very apprent to me that the 12 has some type of issue that may not be able to be diagnosed by us.

Thanks for any help!
When having the MFD12 and 8 both set to full screen radar, if you zoom one screen in our out both screens mimic each other, almost like a repeater. So if you move the 12 from 1 mile to 4 miles, the 8 will move from 1 mile to 4 miles without touching it.

This is normal for the NN3D. It is the same radar using the same pulse. If you bring up a duel radar screen, you can use the second pulse.

The fishfinder seems to not be working correctly. When both screens are on, the fishfinder will freeze and the image will not scroll. Also ETR Connection was Cut warning comes on both screens from time to time.

This would be caused when you ran mixed (2.07 and 2.11) software most likely. It could also be that the unit needs the buffers cleared after you reprogrammed (factory clear the unit) or other issue.

You haven't connected both MFDs to the same NMEA 2000 network have you?

The 8 seems at least twice as fast as the 12 leading us to believe something has been wrong with the 12 all along. All sensors (both N2K and Ethernet) are seen by both MFDs, They both have the same system ID and are running the same software, same version.

I agree, the MFD12 shouldn't be slower than your MFD8. You might try backing up your settings/points and factory clearing this unit also. If it is still slow; it should be evaluated for repair. You can re-program it if you want something more aggressive but if a factory reset isn't working.

I fear the next step is to pull out the 12 and send it to Furuno which will put us in a whole right in the middle of the season. It is very apprent to me that the 12 has some type of issue that may not be able to be diagnosed by us.

You might be right. At least with the MFD8, you can let it be the master while the MFD12 is being evaluated. The service center is normally fast even during peak season.
Thanks Johnny!

Wow, that's very weird about the radar. Almost defeats the purpose of having dual screens. So we can never have one screen set to full screen .25 mile and the other screen set to full screen 4 mile? The only way to do that is a split screen on one mfd?

No they are not hooked to the same N2K network. The only connections on the mfd8 are power and Ethernet. Every sensor and input is connected to the mfd12 or hub-101. Where are the dip switches located on the hub-101? Does it need to be unbolted and they are found on the back/bottom? Ours is kind of buried and tough to see.

I will be down at the boat this week to diagnose further. My plan of action is to backup our mfd12 with all our waypoints and master reset it. At that time I will also try reinstalling 2.11 with a fresh download and freshly formatted sd card. I'll do the same with the mfd8 for good measure even though I had just done that Sunday. That way I'm starting clean with both units. Does a master reset clear the buffers as you mentioned? When I reflash the 2.11 software from the sd card, is there any way to confirm the reflash was successful? Or am I just looking for the cursor to appear and then shutting down? The cursor is the usual O with a + sign in the middle correct? I thought when we updated the mfd12 a couple years ago it was just a + only.

I'm also going to go through our charts and make sure none of them are corrupt because I seem to remember issues starting when we added some charts. Not sure if that's possible or not.

Johnny is there a way to contact you directly while I'm at the boat in case theres anything we can run through in real time? Also, being on the east coast can the unit be sent to Maryland for repair to expedite shipping if we need to go that route?

Thanks for all the help!
Where are the dip switches located on the hub-101?
Under the top cover. You don't normally need to unmount it to access the top as long as the boat space allows.
Does a master reset clear the buffers as you mentioned?
When I reflash the 2.11 software from the sd card, is there any way to confirm the reflash was successful?
Normally when the reflected version changes you know it worked. For doing the same version, it worked if the process follows the instructions.

Or am I just looking for the cursor to appear and then shutting down?
Yes, (refer to the instructions step F and G)

The cursor is the usual O with a + sign in the middle correct?
Yes and nothing else will ever appear there but the cursor. So if you see something; that's it.

Johnny is there a way to contact you directly while I'm at the boat in case theres anything we can run through in real time?
You can't call me directly but you can call our tech support from the boat.
East coast 410-479-4420
East coast 360-834-9300
You being on the east coast can reach someone 8am to 8pm M-F with these two numbers.

Also, being on the east coast can the unit be sent to Maryland for repair to expedite shipping if we need to go that route?

No. The east coast office doesn't have any repair facilities. You would contact your local dealer or send the unit to our repair center at our main office in Camas WA. Anything sent to east coast office for repair will be returned postage due.
I finally got a chance to get down to the boat and do some work.

Unfortunately I have no good news to report. I Master Cleared both units and reflashed both units with 2.11. I went through the install wizard on the MFD12 and reset everything manually. I booted up the MFD8 and as soon as it came on, they both started having the same problems. The fishfinder freezes and ETR Connection was Cut comes on. Running the MFD12 by itself it is perfectly normal. We did see an increase in the speed of the unit (although maybe we were just optomisitc) so that was good. I did all of this BEFORE importing all the old waypoints anbd routes and settings just in case it was a setting that we screwed up.

However, the way it stands right now we can only turn on the MFD12 because as soon as the MFD8 comes on we start having problems. Please help. Is there anything else that we can do or is it time to send the units back to you guys and you work your magic? Thanks.
If the MFD12 works fine with everything, then it seems the odd man out is the MFD8. I would send the MFD8 into service, with all the info you have collected, so they can get to the bottom of it.
What I should say is that either MFD works fine by itself, but they dont play nicely together. Its a 50/50 shot which one is the culprit.

Whats the process for sending them in?
Send the unit to the Furuno Repair Facility with a detailed description of the problem. No RMA number or initial payment is required. Please make sure to include your contact information. The address is listed below for your convenience.

Furuno USA, Inc
Attn: Service Department
4400 NW Pacific Rim Blvd.
Camas, WA 98607-9408

The Service Center will contact you concerning cost and billing after the unit has been evaluated. (If not warrantee) The Service Center has a $100 evaluation fee for out of warrantee items, but they will apply that towards the repair cost, if you choose to have it repaired. Repair time can vary depending on work load and season. Mostly 7-10 business days plus postal time. If you need to contact our service center they can be reached at 360-834-9300. (ask for the Repair center)