711C CAN Bus Output PGNs


Furuno Super Fan
I'd like a clarification of the 711C CAN bus port setup for "SELECT OUTPUT PGN LIST". I have my TZT9 set to output N2K PGNs 129025, 129026, 129029, 129283, 129284, and 129285, and the TZTL12F does not output any N2K PGNs, as was recommended by tech support.

Which 711C output PGNs should I set to "YES" for optimum performance of my network? All my devices are listed in my signature. Seems like the MFDs are the only devices that would need to see 711C output data.
The pilot should only put out 127245 (Rudder). Everything else is already on the bus (like heading, gps, etc) to re-output would be regurgitation and not recommended.
No you will not get rudder with Fantum feedback because you have no rudder feedback unit. The PGN is on by default and doesn't matter that it is on. If you are running Fantum, you can turn it off if you want.