3d bathymetric on Cmap chart?

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New member
Just purchased unlock codes for the cmap charts for the TZT3/16 and there is no 3d bathymetric info. Should I have purchased the Navionics? I have the Navionics on a Garmin unit and it is great! Planning on getting the Cmor maps in the future but was hoping for something better for now.

Thanks in advance.
You should contact normal support with a few more details. If C-map navigation charts are purchased, they will also come with the C-map fishing bathy charts are no cost for the same area, if available. You must choose "Fishing" instead of C-map as the chart type to see them.
It did come with the fishing option but I am looking for 3D not contour lines. Is it not possible to get the level of detail in "reveal" or "platinum" charts on Furuno TZT3?
Platinum would be much like the MapMedia charts with the Sat photo fusion overlay. You can get about the same type of presentation, but ultimately Navionics platinum and C-map reveal are not designed or supported in these units. These machines use MM3 charts with different data options like CMOR/Data core by C-map/Navionics/National Hydrographic office/Army corp river charts. Much of what is available varies depending on the area of operations. As we have said many times, it is best to contact Technical support with a Lat/Lon for some sample screenshots of what is available for a particular area. The TZT3 customers with DFF3D have the option to make their own 3D bathy.
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