3 D Fishing and Nav Charts

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How do I get the 3 D Charts and Fishing Charts for Mexico on my system? What do I need to get it up and running.
If you go to our website at www.furunousa.com and click on The Learning Center you will find NavNet 3D Training Videos. There are 2 videos which will explain the process of loading charts.
As far as obtaining the charts they can be downloaded from our website or purchased from an authorized dealer on SD cards for loading into the NN3D system. You will also have to purchase an unlock code.
If you can let us know the area of Mexico you are based we can make recommendations of which charts to purchase.
Thank you very mcuh. I just took my boat down from Newport Beach to mag Bay and then Cabo. I will be spending most of the winter in Mag Bay and Cabo areas and then Sea of Cortez. Which charts do I need?
I wanted to get the recommendations from one of our sales associates who is much more familiar with your fishing grounds then I am. Unfortunately he is at sea on sea trials (probably fishing though ;) ) and won't be able to get back to me until Thursday.

Can you wait until then or should I search out another individual?

I spoke with my associate and he recommends you load and purchase both raster and vector charts.
The best Vector choice is MM3-VNA-027 and the best Raster choice is MM3-R91-2G0. The reason for needing both charts is because the Raster provides better accuracy and the vector charts provide more detail and more information. The vector charts have many more updated marinas and other details that the Raster charts do not.
You might also check to make sure you have some additional databases loaded. They are at no charge.
They are MM3-UST-002 and MM3-UST-003. These are the 3D data and may already be in your MFD. They would be listed as SDUS02MAP3D04 and SDUS03MAP3D04 respectively. Finally check for SDVJWW00MAP02. (Our part #MM3-WVJ-000) This is the Jeppesen world base map which will be necessary when viewing the vector chart pack MM3-VNA-027, which is a Jeppesen database.

Let us know if you have any further questions.
