295 issues.


New member

First time poster,

I currently have a furuno 295 which has been experiencing issues for the whole time I've had it.

I know the hull seems to have massive airation issues at speed, but I think my problems lay elsewhere also.

So far I've tried various transducers and currently have a R309 mounted.

Today I tried a factory reset yet again also.

For whatever reason I can't seem to get a solid bottom trace and or clarity, beside the unit I also have a 620 with a p66 that kicks the 295 in pretty much any depth.

I've taken some pictures of the soundings I was getting today in shallow, it appears to me as if I don't seem to have "power" getting down to the bottom. I noticed I can have my 620 at a much lower gain setting also to achieve much better bottom returns and or clutter.

I tried for about three hours today on water playing with all kinds of settings to no avail.

I'd also like to double check which tap settings I should be using with a 295 and the R309.

Thanks in advance.


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Having issues uploading pics, so will upload one at a time.


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The tap settings should be C on low frequency and A on high frequency.

Do you have the orange wire from the transducer connected to the FCV295?

Are those pictures from when you are moving or stopped?

Can you try setting your transducer settings to the following and get me some pictures? Set the gain to manual and set it to 5.

Freq: 155Khz
Bandwidth: 30Khz

Freq: 42Khz
Bandwidth: 21Khz
Are you sure it a R-309? By the ringing on the LF side it look more like a R-399. That being said it should have better returns than it does. First I would do a factory setting restore. If that doesn't help I would recheck the frequencies and post a picture of how you have the transducers wired and the TAP setting plugs.

G'day, sorry for the late reply.

Have finally had a chance to get the boat out and play with settings after another factory reset.

Picture image is 1000% improvement and now really happy with the way the unit is operating.

I still have what appears to be airation issues, especially at speed 18+knots. And or at any speed over 8knts while heading into any any wind or chop.

I have noticed at speed and or while heading into a headsea I can turn the wheel and as the boat turns the transducer reads mint ( no airation issues).

My question is why should it clear up during a turn either way?.

Many thanks.
As the boat straightens, the airation re appears.


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There are a number of factors in getting a smooth flow of water over the face of the transducer. Speed, hull shape, where and how the transducer it is mounted are all variables. Below is a screen shot of a FCV-295 when we were doing 28 knots with the current. When we turned around we started see gaps in the bottom at the same speed.



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Thanks for the reply snips.

Being a r309 on a smaller boat it's been very hard finding room to mount in clear water.

The ducer was 700mm up from the keel on the deadrise and 105mm lower then the hull.

I plan on moving the transducer tomorrow so the inside edge of the ducer is inline with the keel,

Will being so close to the keel cause any problems that you know of? Is there a minimum set distance I should be away from the keel line?

Thanks for the replys.
The most preferred installation will have the transducer directly on center line at the deepest part of the vessel. With that being said, sometimes you can't install it there due to the vessels internal configuration or the bunk/rollers on the trailer.

G'day snips.

I had a chance today to move the r309 to centre of keel.

I took the boat for a short trial in quite a bit of a wind, and I can report back that the airation issues appear to have gone.

I could sound at 22knts ( which is what the weather allowed) with no breaks and a solid return.

Thanks for your help.
