
Good afternoon Kokinidis1,

thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately i believe a language barrier is affecting our communication. I don't really understand what you are asking with your post below.

I believe you are trying to explain to us that there are many fish below the vessel because you are catching them successfully, but the fish that you are catching are not showing up on the fish finder screen?

Your photo shows many things, like the jig going up and down. It is also showing a carpet right off the bottom that is likely the fish that you are catching.

The fish finder appears to be working as advertised. The A-scope is also showing activity right off the bottom so i believe you are working good.

Kind Regards
Good morning Kokinidis1,

Thank you for the follow up. The A-scope is not a tool to use to figure out biomass indication of a fish school. The A-scope is used to decipher if there are fish targets within the current transmit pulse.


Thank you for your inquiry. The photo you provided shows many return echoes, the nature of a fish finder will show many things in the water column and some may not be fish. So it is really hard to tell you with any certainty exactly how many fish are in the screen shot. But it does not really matter, the fact the the unit is seeing fish or something means you have a chance to catch them.

I cannot answer your question, i am sorry.