Water temp is erratic


Furuno Fan
A friends boat. He has the same MFD that I have, TZT2 12". I don't know the transducer model but I know it is a 600w thru-hull. 2 frequencies. The issue is that recently, the water temp varies wildly. It will go to 80 degrees then drop to 40 degrees and all points in between. Is there anything we can try to fix it or is this a symptom of the transducer going bad? Thanks.

The temp sensor that varies wildly is a good indication that the temp sensor is going bad.
If the transducer is the "quad-ducer type", (50/200khz - Speed/Temp) then you can usually replace the Speed/Temp Insert with new.

However, if the Temp Sensor is imbedded in the transducer, you'll have to replace the transducer. :angry

Hope this helps.?

-Deep Blue