VX2 Sounder issue DFF1 transducer 525STID


New member
I have been researching on this forum and found some similar issues but not exactly what I am experiencing.
I have an older model VX 2008 with a tilted element transducer(original install). Approx. 2020 my tilted element went bad. Determined this by testing a new transducer over the side. Purchased and install a new tilted element. System work fine. Fast forward 2022 same issue appeared on the sounder. Screen did not display any echo. No bottom or returns of fish. Spoke to a tech and they stated that the tilted element units are not good. Suggested to not go with a new one. Took the advice and purchase a more affordable transducer 525STID with fairing block. Installed the new one ,plugged it in and still no returns. Screen is blank and the soft keys do not do anything.
The screen shows the depth graphic on the right side and track ball works but nothing else works. Checked the cable from DFF1 to the XV2 with a different cable. Same issue.
Any help would be appreciated

"The Menu"
Did anyone change your sounder source setting in the NavNet?
Do you have any lights on the DFF1? Have you tested power? Ensure that the mode switches are set like this picture. If you have to change them, do it with the power off.

Sounder source setting has not been changed as far as I know. I am the only one that has worked on the the unit since original install.
Mode switches are set per your attachment. Have not changed.
Power to the unit is good. 12 volts on the trailer and while running on the water. These issues are present on the water and on the trailer.
attached some photos of what's going on. the green lights are steady on. My understanding is they should be blinking. steady on is a network issue? 9214,9213 and 9218 are what is present at this time. Plotter functions properly. The sounder has no control to change settings ie depth, split screen, LF/HF etc.


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If the Navnet display is turned on but the sounder light is solid; you have a networking problem (not a setting problem). Is there a hub in this system?
There is no hub. The network cable from the DFF1 is direct connected to the network port on the plotter. img 9211 does not flash and img 9210 does not flash. I tried another borrowed cable and no lights show at the RJ45 connection. I am not confident the borrowed cable is good.
If you power cycle the DFF1 (remove and restore power cord) and then watch the status light on the DFF1; what do you see happen?
1. when first powered on
2. after 30 seconds
3. after 1.5 mins
4. after 4 mins
Good morning Johnny,
I did the power cycle as stated 2x. The STBY green light is steady on and also the green lights at the RJ45 plug.
Something is seriously wrong with the sounder because upon power up you should see the processor boot up pattern flashing for the first minute or so, then it should change to a one second ON and one second OFF pattern for about 4 minutes. That is with nothing connected but the power cable. Yours indicates that that it might have had a serious power event or processor go bad. You could send it in for evaluation but it sounds like it is most likely done for. Just a shot in the dark, I would try power cycling again without the network cable (incase it is shorted or something) to see if the indication changes.
Thank you for the reply and advice. I will try the power cycle again with nothing attached but the power cable.
If the unit is done for, what you recommend as a fix? Purchase another DFF! DFF# or other black box?
Or a stand alone system and use the VX2 as a plotter only?
If the rest of the system is in good condition, you could replace the unit with a used DFF1 or a new BBDS1. While the BBDS1 will be just like the DFF1 as far as features when used with the Vx2, it is compatible.
It seems as though replacing the unit will work at this time. Would like to get back on the water ASAP.
Do you know of any reputable sellers of used DFF1?

The Menu
I normally recommend checking with all your local Furuno dealers. You can find them by using the "Where to buy" link from our website. (www.FurunoUSA.com) Many offer units that they have taken in trade during retrofits etc.
Thank you, I am contacting the dealer I purchase the original equipment from.
I appreciate you taking the time to help me through this process.

The Menu