Vx1 connection to Raymarine s1000 Auto Pilot

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Naples Spearo

So can anyone steer me in the right direction on how to hook the raymarine s1000 ap to my vx1 unit. I know the vx1 has a 6 pin connection... I think this is the cable I need.

http://www.defender.com/product.jsp?pat ... &id=811763

But how does this hook into the raymarine s1000?? As in what to what??

Trying to wrap my head around it, almost there, this NMEA connection is the only thing I am unsure of. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Wiring on a RDP139 to an autopilot is normally done with two (6 pin NMEA 000-154-054) cables. One is to bring heading data from the pilot into the display on the dedicated heading port (port 3). Wiring NMEA 0183 heading, into port 3 (White + and Black) input will provide the heading to the unit/system. Heading is a requirement if you want to conduct radar/plotter overlay. If you don't want to wire the heading, you don't have to.

To drive the pilot with data from the plotter you would use a 6 pin cable from data 2. White + and Black - output to the pilot. Once the 0183 data is wired from port 2 into the pilot 0183 input; you should setup the data port (port setup) for the proper NMEA sentences to drive the pilot. (normally APB, RMB, GLL, VTG, XTE, ZDA) If your pilot doesn't have NMEA 0183 ports you might need to talk to raymarine about a 0183 to seatalk converter. I have had customers tell me the 0183 ports at the back of some of their displays work better than directly on the processor.
So for the pilot to work, I just need to do paragraph 2? All I want to do is point/aim the boat and lock it on that course. Are you familiar with the raymarine s1000? It says it has NMEA 0183 and Seatalk I believe.
I have so many Furuno products to keep in my head, I spend little time learning units from other companies. I try to leave that to them and their support. If an autopilot has a heading compass (most do) then holding a course is normally done internally by the pilot not the plotter. (normally called Auto mode) The plotters can steer/drive the boat when passing over the proper information (normally called NAV mode). Even with very low cost pilots that attempt to use GPS COG for heading information; the pilot only needs data from the plotter not the other way around. This connection requirement would be covered under "paragraph 2". The connection of heading to the display is for pilots with a heading source like a flux gate compass or sat compass. Making this connection for the pilot to the radar/plotter can unlock other useful features.

Doing a search of past customer cases I did find a customer who connected up with the Raymarine S1000. Here is what he said he found on the Raymarine web site:

What data does my S1000 autopilot need from my GPS?
--A standard SeaTalk or NMEA 0183 GPS is all that is required for the S1000 to function. At a minimum the GPS must provide the autopilot Course Over Ground (COG) and Speed Over Ground (COG). All Raymarine SeaTalk GPS devices transmit this data. If you are using a NMEA 0183 GPS, the S1000 is looking for the sentences VTG and/or RMC. For best results, the Course Over Ground information should be transmitted at least once per second.
If you wish for the S1000 to be able to steer to a waypoint or route, other information is necessary as well including the bearing and range to waypoint, and cross-track-error. Once again, SeaTalk GPS and chart plotter devices automatically output this information. NMEA 0183 chart plotters need to output the sentences RMB and/or APB, BWC or BWR, XTE.Raymarine 0183 uses the output of nine RS232 connector pins using 1,2,3 and 5

Noting that, it appears that this pilot is RS232 NMEA 0183 and not the standard RS422 NMEA 0183. I recommend you verify that with Raymarine. If that is the fact, then you should use the Data 4, 7 pin (RS232) connection on your RPD139 to drive data to the pilot. The part number of the 7 pin cable is 000-154-028. You would use the RS232 output wire (White+) and Bare shield (-) to drive the pilot with.