I have a coastal cruiser type sailboat and am looking to buy a MFD and radar. I do not like things that fail prematurely and Furuno has a good reputation for reliability. Problem is, Furuno also has a good reputation for fishing, but none for sailing that I'm aware of. So I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who uses this display on a sailboat. Please note: if your reply uses the words "fish" or "sonar" it probably isn't applicable, though you are welcome to post it, anyway. 
I'm specifically interested in the following, which I think are pretty simple uses for these things:
I'd like to be able to split the screen such that a chart is to one side (preferably the left) and a wind/relative-wind type instrument (from a Raymarine i60) is displayed on the other side along with other useful data such as depth, speed, etc. I doubt that the TZT9F will interface with my creaking old autopilot, but if I could have a "maintain current course" button for it on this side that would be good, too. I have no need for fancy autopilot stuff.
I would like the split to be off-center so that the chart is large and the other info is smaller, though not tiny. In otherwords, I'd like to be able to decide where the split occurs.
I'd like to be able to selectively overlay radar, AIS, neither, or both onto the chart.
I don't care about much else. I know these are extremely capable and expandable units and who knows, I might add other stuff at some point. But the few things I mentioned plus reliability are really what I'm really interested in.
Thank you!

I'm specifically interested in the following, which I think are pretty simple uses for these things:
I'd like to be able to split the screen such that a chart is to one side (preferably the left) and a wind/relative-wind type instrument (from a Raymarine i60) is displayed on the other side along with other useful data such as depth, speed, etc. I doubt that the TZT9F will interface with my creaking old autopilot, but if I could have a "maintain current course" button for it on this side that would be good, too. I have no need for fancy autopilot stuff.
I would like the split to be off-center so that the chart is large and the other info is smaller, though not tiny. In otherwords, I'd like to be able to decide where the split occurs.
I'd like to be able to selectively overlay radar, AIS, neither, or both onto the chart.
I don't care about much else. I know these are extremely capable and expandable units and who knows, I might add other stuff at some point. But the few things I mentioned plus reliability are really what I'm really interested in.
Thank you!