TZ3 transducer depth limitations.


New member
BSN here. Have tried to read up on most posts. I am looking at a new install. I am not sure if I can do a pocket mount on a Dff3D with 165T-50-200... I may have to go with a transom mount. If I went with the transom mount, I was going to add a B175H and a B175L. What is the depth limitation on the 165T-50-200? I am going to be running in the bay 3 to 14 feet and I want to show bottom. This is kind of why I might go with the B175H for running. Then use the 165T when trolling or going slow looking for wrecks. Is the 165T good from 40 to 100 feet? Or is the frequency too low for this shallow depth? I have read that Quintsa has this set up and would like to hear of his experience...and anyone elses. Thank you.
Swampy":2dzm11ke said:
BSN here. Have tried to read up on most posts. I am looking at a new install. I am not sure if I can do a pocket mount on a Dff3D with 165T-50-200... I may have to go with a transom mount. If I went with the transom mount, I was going to add a B175H and a B175L. What is the depth limitation on the 165T-50-200? I am going to be running in the bay 3 to 14 feet and I want to show bottom. This is kind of why I might go with the B175H for running. Then use the 165T when trolling or going slow looking for wrecks. Is the 165T good from 40 to 100 feet? Or is the frequency too low for this shallow depth? I have read that Quintsa has this set up and would like to hear of his experience...and anyone elses. Thank you.

I have a DFF-3D with a pocket mounted B54 (165T-B54) transducer and a B175H and B175L pair each of which is driven by a TZT 3 16 internal sounder. I think there may be a Y cable now that allows the pair to be connected to a single MFD but it wasn't available when my units were installed so we just hooked up the B175H to one display and the B175L to the other.

The 165T 50-200 is a B54 packaged in a single housing with a B164 conventional 50/200Hz transducer. That is not a CHIRP capable transducer so if you have a TZT 3, you would be giving up the CHIRP performance advantages.

I think you may be a little confused about the transducer options, however. Basically you can have a transducer that is just for the DFF-3D, which is the B54 offered as a pocket, through hull, or transom mount -- the transducer itself is identical. You can also have the B54 packaged with a conventional 50/200 (B164) in a through hull or transom mount. Finally, you can have a B54 packaged with a 2kW CHIRP element but then you also need a DI-FFAMP to take advantage of it.

If 40-100 is your primary target fishing depth and you want to try and have a combo transducer, the 165T-50-200 would do pretty well notwithstanding that it is not CHIRP. Personally I don't think the B164 was Airmar's best effort bu they work okay. Otherwise if you want to get the best bottom detail, you probably want something like what I have and get a 165T-B54 and a separate B175H or maybe the wide beam B175HW. You don't really need to have a B175L if you are not fishing in water over 500'. I would try very hard to find a way to mount the B54 for the DFF-3D in a pocket on the keel. The B175H is a tilted element and mounts flush so it is pretty easy usually to find a good spot for one.

I hope that is helpful. The best way to figure this stuff out is to first get a very clear idea of what you are trying to accomplish in terms of fishing and navigation and work backwards.
Quintsa... Thank you very much for a great over view of what I am looking for. I am waiting to hear if a pocket mount is avail on my build. If it is not then I think I would just go with the B175 H or HW. If plugged into just the TZ3 16 is it chirp capable? If I add the B165 L is it dual chirp capable? Bottom 3D seems to be on the cutting edge of tech. If I have to go with a transom mount...I can always run the 175s and add a transom mount later if Tech is upgraded. I run out of Barnegat NJ 3 feet to 15 feet...Navigation going fast. I would love bottom 3d for wreck fishing from 40 maybe to 150. deeper possibly tile fishing. And just the ability to read fish on the sounder... better would be to know their location, in reference to boat position. If CMOR comes out with a Barnegat map... and it is that good... I will not need 3D bottom.
Yes the B175H or HW will operate in CHIRP mode with the TZT 16 internal sounder. If you also have a B175L, you will have a dual frequency CHIRP sounder but you won't be able to use the "Accufish" or bottom discrimination features, however. Those require a dual frequency transducer that has both elements in one housing (like a B275LH) and not a paired setup.

I used the DFF-3D tilefishing in 500 feet or so of water this summer. It was great in showing the ledges where the tilefish make their burrows and even showed fish marks. It really helped pinpoint structure compared to using just the conventional high r low frequency sounder. As you probably have experienced, with tile fish being off a few dozen yards one way or the other can make a big difference in whether you catch them.
Thank you for clarifying the dual chirp on the B275 vs separate units. I like the B275 but still in the same dilemma on the pocket mount. I will keep you posted on new questions and my final decision. Thank you...