Tz3 issues

Hello again. Wondering if there are any reports of the tz3 not playing well with garmin products?

We had a older garmin plotter that was in the nmea 2000 network that was causing problems, The tz3 would boot up with some of the options missing from the menus, Like general settings specifically is one remember being missing. We took the garmin out of the system and all the issues disappeared. Now a month later were having similar problems with the tz3 again. We removed the fusion radio from the nmea 2000 network, and once again the problems disappeared. Tz3 software is current.

Any ideas? Thanks for any info you can provide.

Fusion is only compatible with any TZT by network only. Having it on the backbone can cause issues with your TZT3.

With your Garmin unit being on the backbone with the TZT3, you want to make sure you are not outputting too much of the same data that is already on the backbone. If you output too much data onto the backbone, you can create something called a data loop and that causes all kinds of issues. I am not sure exactly what is on your backbone but if you have heading data on your backbone, you want to make sure not turn on the PGN to output from the Garmin or the TZT3.