TXT13X Updates and Charts


Furuno Super Fan
I've been doing updates on a new install on the TZT13X. I connected the MFD to the internet and updated the MFD to the latest software version without incident. I then proceeded to purchase and update charts for the Great Lakes Region via the MFD per instructions. Note the vector selection was greyed out. Not sure why this would be. The purchase went well and when I went to update it told me my charts were up to date. I was charged for the purchase. I have 3 problems:

1) When I zoom in or out, it just changes the chart size without filling in/repainting the screen. Chart gets very small until it disappears and the only way to get back is to switch to raster chart.

2) When I had my TZT2 installed, I reported to the chart folks a problem with the nav light placement for the entrance to the Sandusky Yacht Club in Sandusky, OH. They fixed this problem on subsequent updates. The problem is back again on TZ Maps.

3) SAT Photos do not show up when overlay is chosen.

Could these problems be because I am using an SDU001? If I move the chart card to the MFD and it still thinks I am up to date does this mean I can't update via the MFD?

Thanks for your help ....
I brought the SD card home and went old school. Downloaded the 10 Great Lakes Files from TZ Maps and loaded them to the SD card along with the .zuc file that TZ Maps emailed to me. Plugged the SD card into the MFD and now get Vector, Raster, Sat, and Bathy info. Some issues still exist:

1) The screen refresh time appears excessive (slower than my old TZT2). Would deleting the preloaded files on the SD card help this? Are there any files that need to remain?

2) The Harbor entrance nav light problem still exists for the Sandusky Yacht Club for both the Vector and Raster charts. MapMedia fixed this over a year ago on their charts.

3) The Sat photos for the Sandusky OH area are at least 10 years old. I was hoping that TZ Maps would update the Sat photos which MapMedia never did.

Any thoughts on the above?

Thanks ...
OK, I believe I have this all sorted out. I called TZ Maps tech support and they said that I didn't need to put the files on the SD card but did need to register the MFD on the MYTIMEZERO app. I removed the files I added to the SD card including the .zuc file. The put the SD card into the MFD. I believe the SDU001 may be read only which was another problem, not sure?? Then I went to the charts area while the MFD was connected to the internet and checked for updates. There were none. I then selected all of the Lake Erie zones as favorites and there was quite a bit of download time for each zone. The favorites zones are the little squares on the map. You need to select each square you want as a favorite. This will then auto update if you are connected to the internet and as updates become available I think. After that, Vector, Raster, Sat and Bathy charts all showed up. The refresh time on zooming out still seems long compared to the TZT2 but I can live with it. I will address the chart problems with TZ Maps support.

If I travel out of Lake Erie, I will add those areas to favorites as needed.

Hopefully my mistakes will help others.
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