trying to connect (GP32 and FCV627)


New member
I bought my boat and it has a FCV 627 fishfinder/gps. I took my GP 32 off my old boat and put it on this one. The gps on the 627 does not receive a signal. I was told I could interface them by connecting the GP32 I would use the White and Blue wires. These will connect to the Yellow and Green wire s on your FCV627.White to Yellow, Blue to Green.
I hooked it up like this and still have no GPS on the 627. Help!!
The wiring is correct. Have you tried checking the port monitor on the FCV627 to see if you have data coming in? (MENU - SYSTEM - NMEA - Port Monitor)
I sent you a PM. Maybe you have Tankenmaru set; which disables your NMEA port. Please check your message box for details.