track to route conversion

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Is there anyway to convert a track to a route on a furuno TZT14 chartplotter?

Yes, it is called the TrackBack function.
It is described in the attached portion of the manual.



Thanks for the info. When I run to waypoint here in southwest florida, I am always dodging lobster pots and shallow areas. I don't stop at these areas when I run. I would like to fish at the waypoint till dark and come back following the same track that I used to get out to the waypoint. Will the trackback feature allow me to do this? It seems you need to actually stop at waypoints along the way for this to work. Do I need to create waypoints along the track so this will work?

I think I figured out a good way to convert track to route for the TZT. Save the TZT tracks to a GPX file and load into your computer. I have garmin homeport on my computer. Load the GPX file into your computer and then highlight the track that was loaded in via the GPX file. Right click on the track and select convert route to track. Store this new route to a GPX file and load back into the TZT. This should load in as a route. Garmin homeport has the capability of specifying the max number of point for the route. It would be nice as a software feature to have the TZT do this inside of the chartplotter. I don't think trackback does this.

The trackback converts the track to a route. The route can then be modified by moving, deleting, or added route points.

I am not sure what you mean by having to stop at every point on the return leg. Are you using the converted route to drive an autopilot? If so, what model?