Track Disappeared

Been cruising from St Pete to Chesapeake and had a track visible for the journey. Yesterday when I fired up there was no track visible even though Track was selected in the Overlay menu. Track On and Visible is the default for each day so I was expecting to see the Track.

I verified the Auto Delete was turned off so I expected to get a track full message which would have told me to convert this to a route. I do not recall getting a track memory full message.

Since Track visible was selected in the Overlay menu, as I started out a new track appeared on the display.

I found one post of the forum related to full track memory (30,000) points but it did not address this particular issue of what happens to the track information when Auto Delete is not activated. What happens to the track that was recorded? How do I find it? I read the manual but could not find what happens to the track once memory is full and Auto Delete is off.

Thank you for any guidance - fingers crossed it is not lost.
It will create a notice and quit recording further tracks until you free up track memory. If it got deleted, it can only be restored if you backed it up to your memory card. Backing up your valued points/routes/tracks is always encouraged.
Thanks Johnny. If I understand what you are saying I should have gotten a notice of full memory and it would not have allowed me to start a new track until I did something with the old one.

How would I free up track memory? Go in and delete the track or convert it to a route?

I did not do any of that nor do I recall getting a track memory full notice. I did not change any settings from one day to the net and the unit just started a new track.


You would have to change the setting to auto delete or delete all tracks to free up the memory. I have seen user setup for auto deletion and if the unit is left on, the time will continue clicking and dropping trackpoints under the boat until they are all used up, slowly eating your track history. If you run a long track into a channel that you know you will want later, it is a good idea to back up the track. (Home - Settings - Files) It could be lightning, power flux, operator error, or anything and there is no way to recover if you haven't made a backup.
Just to close this out. On power-up yesterday the entire track is back. Not sure why but I backed it up and will do so regularly now.

One last question - is there a list of saved tracks somewhere or do I have to convert them to routes.

Thanks Johnny - always appreciate your quick responses. I have now used Raymarine, garmon and Furuno and Furuno hands down in the best interface of all of them.
If it came back, then it was never deleted. You most likely had it hidden (How to show and hide track display - pg 2-15) When you export your tracks (How to export track pg 8-4) it will save the track based on date and time. When you go to restore the tracks from the memory card, it will show you all the saved tracks based on time/Date that is on the memory chip. You can convert any track into a route using the "trackBack" feature (pg 2-19).