Thats not fair

They announced an availability date of 9 March. :shock I think that is plenty fair. Having worked in IT most of my career, when we release major software upgrades there is a requirement to make sure our support desk is capable of handling the influx of help cases that are about to ensue. I suspect this is no different since they are computers nontheless.
Johnny Electron":33mrph3i said:
I am pretty sure he meant that in jest. We are pretty excited about the release also. :jump :jump

Should we expect any software updates this spring for some of the newer system components such as the new solid state open arrays radars, SCX-20, and DFF-3D?
I haven't heard of anything, but even if I had, we normally don't pre-publish information until the parent company is ready to.
Well, I overread the relase date and of course I was kidding.

Downloaded the V2 this morning, installation without any problem.
Acer":2nvg5ea9 said:
Well, I overread the relase date and of course I was kidding.

Downloaded the V2 this morning, installation without any problem.

Hopefully the goofy face that I made said I was joking too. :furuno Personally I won't get to try it out until Wed afternoon.
Go to any TZT3 product page, go to support page of that product by selecting "View Support/Tech info" then pick the SOFTWARE selection. It will offer you both the software link but also the needed instructions for download.