Software update


Furuno Fan
I've got a mix of 2.01 and 2.03 versions on my TZT3s. Being a snowy day I decided to bring them all up to 2.05.

The instructions at ... ctions.pdf say: "Remove the USB drive when directed on-screen and wait until the system starts up automatically into normal operational mode." I never saw any directions to remove the drive. What appears to happen (if you don't remove it) is the update just keeps getting applied time after time.

After about 3 cycles I took a guess that I should remove the USB after the Completing Update screen followed by 5 beeps. So far things look ok.

So, have I screwed anything up? I've only updated on unit for now.
I normally recommend factory clearing units before and after software update. While the instructions say that for afterwards, it is just my habit to do so before update to make sure things go smoothly. I think as long as you conducted the reset and verified the software was updated via the unit quick test, you should be fine.