Software update 6.21 - UnZipping the Files


2 year old system, first update.

I read through the instructions on the Furono site in regards to downloading, etc.

I have downloaded the zipped files, but my Mac will not allow them to be unzipped even after using another unzipping app by Apple. I get " The contents of bootuppg.bin cannot be extracted with the unarchiver."

A second message indicated that Apple didn't trust the source, bottom line I can't upzip these in order to place them on a MicroSD card.

Thanks, Fletcher.
Data is data so it should be possible to download and use a MAC as long as you have a good unzip program. Short of that, I guess you could ask a friend with a PC to get it for your. A software update kit is available for purchase from your authorized dealer if you can't get the computer logistics going.

I downloaded again, this time to my MacBook and was able to open and unzip the files.

To clarify, the final unzipped files that I will copy to the Micro SD card for the update are the .cpgz extensions?


