SID not found?


Furuno Fan
I have a TXTBBX as a chart master on my network. My second MFD is a TXT2BB (chart master not turned on). I also have Timezero on a computer connected to the Navnet network which I recently upgraded from TZ Nav to TZ Pro.

When I start up the TZTBBX only I get a message “SID not found TL…… (3 runs/30)”. The SID is the number linked to the TZT2BB as that was my chart master prior to upgrading to the TZTBBX. If I start both TZTBBX and TZT2BB at the same time I don’t get the warning message. This warning message first started appearing after I upgraded to TZ Pro so not sure if this is a TZ associations issue.

When I look at my TZ page it shows both the TZTBBX and TZT2BB SID’s. I had both MFD’s sign into TZ cloud but have since turned off sync’ing from the TZT2BB since it’s no longer the chart master (not sure if this is correct). When I look on the TZT2BB synchronization it shows the TZT2BB as the cloud master, shouldn’t this be the TZTBBX?

Please advise, if this is a TZ licensing issue please let me know and I’ll contact them to get sorted. Thanks
The TZT2BB is your chart master unless someone moved it. The TZT2BB master setting can be used for XL as long as you are running only mm3 type charting. If using TZ Maps charting, the licences should be moved from the BB to the XL unit prior to buying TZ Mapping. It sounds like you have many balls moving. Does the TZ Pro have licences? Have you linked that to the TZTBBX? The TZTBBX should have the same charts as the TZ pro but you would need to turn on that as a master and input the MFD unlock codes (which are different codes that used by TZ pro). You might need to reset your codes in the TZT2BB if that is the case. (done in the service menu)