Second TZ14 not working

  • Thread starter Thread starter Anonymous
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My second (slave) Furuno is now blank. I have restarted it several times. Nothing has changed in my setup. Is there a reset that I can do? Any other ideas. We have also tried replacing the chart SD card with the Clone backup of the card.
Thank you.
It has been working fine for 2 months. I do get the beeps. First I turn on the Master. Once it is showing the chart, I turn on the slave. I tried attaching a photo but the BB won't let me attach it.
The display area is divided in 3 blank areas (colored blue). That was the set-up last time we used it with Fish Finder, Radar and Chart on the display.
Thank you.
The TZT is a redundant system and having you other display Off or On shouldn't matter. I would leave the other one off and focus on the problem unit. The fact that you get a the power on beep is a good sign. When you power on the TZT14, can you go into the menu?
I have tried to power it on alone and I get the same error. I can not get to the menu. There are 4 bars that appear on the upper right of the screen and to their right is a circle that looks like it is mimicing the control button on the frame.
None of them activate anything and the control button and knob don't do anything either. Have also tried finger gestures on the screens.
You can try to see if a factory clear will help. (Power up unit while holding the home button, Hold the HOME button until the unit offers you to clear ALL data bases. Select ALL, YES, OK, CLOSE)

If that doesn't work, I would recommend trying to re-program the unit using an SD card and the software from our web site. If it still doesn't work after that, it will need to visit the service center.
Thank you. The factory clear worked. A few additional questions:
1) Any idea as to why the screen went blank? We are on version 3.01 of the software.
2) If they are independent systems, why do I need the chartmaster on for the second screen to work?
3) A few times we have gotten an alarm "Sirius Disconnected". We have never had Sirius and don't have that alarm set. Any thoughts as to why this would happen?
Thanks again.
You have to watch your power system with the TZT. I would guess that your power got too low and resulted in software corruption, but that is a guess.

You need a chart master to ensure that any purchased charts are licensed for the entire boat/system. If you have no licensed charts the chart master never really has to be turned on. If you do have licensed charts, the chart master should be turn on at least once in a while but charts will work without the chart master for 32 power cycles. Overall the installer should select the unit that is turned on the most often to be the chart master. Unlike the NavNet 3D, the TZT is not dependent on a master unit to run the network.

You most likely got Sirius disconnected error because someone set one of the units to Sirius for your weather setting. The default is NavCenter weather and without Sirius, all your displays should stay set to NavCenter. If it was the unit you just cleared, it is now back to default.

I am glad to hear clearing the display worked for you. Happy Holidays.