I have two Kingston 2GB SD cards that I have been using for updates. With the system for updating, it is required for the MFD to write a file with the current status to an SD card, which is then read from a PC while online to determine what updates are needed. When I try to create the update file with the MFD, it takes some time and then comes up with an error box. The error box notwithstanding, the SD card appears to be written properly and the web connection gets what it needs to provide the needed updates. I have no idea what is going on, but I do find the error notice unsettling. And who knows, maybe something really is broken. Ideas?
I appreciate that the updating system is intended as an easy way to update all attached Furuno products. However, if it is not perfectly bulletproof then there is still value in the availability of the individual updaters.
I appreciate that the updating system is intended as an easy way to update all attached Furuno products. However, if it is not perfectly bulletproof then there is still value in the availability of the individual updaters.