SCX20 and Starlink Clearance


New member
Greetings, I am installing an SCX20 on the pilothouse roof of our Selene 53 trawler. I intend to mount it forward, about 2 feet to port of centerline and with a new Starlink "standard kit" non-articulating antenna dish mounted 3-4 feet to the starboard of the SCX20 and tilted slightly forward for rain-shedding.

If I recall, the beam width of the Stalink antenna is about 110-degrees so I would think the beam would stay well clear of the platform-mounted SCX20. Does that sound correct?

Also, the roof is quite, but not perfectly level. Maybe pitched at 2 to 5 degrees. Is this acceptable as a mounting location? And if so, will the SCX20 self adapt to the slight pitch or will I need to set a correction via an app or MFD?

Thanks in advance for any advice!
Thanks so much Johnny. I can get about 9-feet away from the dish and easily out of the beam. I assume that will be sufficient but will try a test-install first to observe.

To get that clearance though I'll need to move the SCX20 outboard a bit and that part of the roof has a 3-degree pitch to Port. Is that a concern?