Hello C-Bass,
Well, there is a lot of Furuno stuff on the bus and also a PC with Timezero. I use the TZT3 plottter as well as FI70 Instruments and a RD33, a FA70 is also conncted and Radar.
The Sc is mounted at the stern on a typicsl Ovni Archer sslightly below a solar panel. That does no harm, I habe perect GPS position, pitch and roll and everrything is working fine. There is also a PG700 providing heading but I want to use the SCX 20 as primary source. I can see at the setup menu from the TZ3 all the sensors and data, only Heading and Rate of turn is missing. I thought perhaps the PGN collides with the one from PG700, but if i disconnedt that no HDG anymore on the bus. I only did some initial settings at the SCX20 and left the rest on default....