screen shots on the XL

Don Sol

Is it possible to get the screen shots off the machine?
I tried to export onto a USB drive and removed and checked the micro SD and it is not shown.
Hello Don,

Yes, once you have a USB thumb drive inserted in the back of the unit, you can save screen shots directly onto it. Just got to make sure that the Function Gesture is set in the menu for Screen Capture as a two finger quick tap or long tap. To check if it's setup, Select Home, Settings, General, This Display and under Two Finger Tap Function or Two Finger Long Tap Function and set one of them for Screen Capture.

Thank you,
If the screen shots existed before setting this up, there is a work around. You would have to screenshot the screenshots.
hi guys, just a followup. Had great results with the mini USB flash drive left in the slot. thanks again.
Awesome. FYI, you can use the F1 key on the KEYPAD for screenshot. If you have the screenshot set up for "TWO FINGER TAP - SCREENSHOT" then just pressing F1 for a second you'll hear peep and screenshot done 👌

PS, getting the USB flash drive IN/OUT of the MFD can be a mission if console mounted so I've purchased a 1m USB extension cable which gives me easy access to the USB drive